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Your Comments/Feedback

Hello, and thanks for even viewing this thread.(Apologies if I am in the wrong place and if so, I will relocate or remove it entirely as soon as I am notified.)

I am an illustrator and designer that has been freelancing on and off for about 7 years. For the past 3 years I have been a bit unmotivated in dealing with juggling my artistic side within a business framework. To make a long story short, I feel artistically drained making my clients happy, sacrificing creativity for (should I say it...moolah). Don't get me wrong, the reason I started freelancing was to create a career with something that I am passionate about, but it leading me to find if I am able to still help others, but too also take the same journey in creating and working with others with the same intentions.

With that said, I am currently working on a webstore and resource for visual storytelling creators and artists, specifically comic book illustrators, animators, filmmakers and writers. Here is a link to the sign-up landing page: Storytellers
The site would feature supplies and equipment for creators for every stage of a project's development.

I would like to get other artists and creators HONEST feedback on this idea. Thank you in advance for your feedback.

*If interested, here is a link to my website: DRE Illustration
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If I were you, I'd seriously take some time out and decide if you really want to take on another business venture when it is rather obvious that you don't really enjoy doing business in the first place.

I have met many people who would be happier and make more as employees than they would as a self employed person.

More on topic, the idea isn't a bad idea on the surface. I don't know the specifics about the industries that you're targeting, but you need to make sure that there are enough customers willing to pay for your services to make it worth while so you can employ the right people to perform the duties you don't enjoy, otherwise you may find yourself trapped in a nightmare worse than a job you hate.
Totally agree

Sweetie, I totally agree, but I love business as well and didn't mean for the post to be confusing. The dilemma is in the blending of "what I love to do" and business together. There is a lot of creative thought that goes into creating and running a business and I would still like to pursue that as well. So, my solution is to take my art out of the business equation and concentrate it toward others by providing the tools (supplies and equipment) they may need to carry out their creative pursuits in the visual storytelling mediums such as filmmaking, comics and animation. I would then pursue my artistic endeavors without the forced constraint of appealing to a client's ideal and free to experiment and grow on my own.

I hope that makes sense. Thank you for taking the time to give your input as it is appreciated.