Yes, it IS that easy. And FREE, too!

Step aside all you directors. Take a powder, producers. Videographer? Vamoose! Google and Amex are putting the FREE in freelance (free music, free graphics) with some amazing new filmmaking tools for companies, businesses and everyone in between. Who needs you anyhoo?? Good grief...


I'm not that concerned about this, and I don't think enough companies will get on board to make an impact, but it does illustrate the disconnect between the services we provide (writing, concepts, brainstorming, shooting, ie Production Value) with the typical business owner's assumption that producing video is easily accomplished with a click of the button. Hell, maybe it is?

Just press the MAKE VIDEO button and you're done!

I do like the last line of Google research. I'll be sure to bring that up in my next client meeting. :cool:
The first few hundred are gonna blow, but I imagine after business owners get a handle on their audio some these will be pretty snappy little DIY ads.

Actually, this isn't even competing with commercial making videographers.
These are for folks without the $$ to air a commercial anywhere but on their own social networking sites.

Only when their finances improve will they be in a position to expand their advertising to pay-to-play services that they'll recognize they've outgrown these silly toys.
In other words: that's when you could approach them for professional grade product.

Frankly, this isn't much different than the hundreds of thousands of DIY animations people have made.
- Provide A, B, C & D.
- Select music
- Select pans and wipes
- Select text and fields
- Adjust timing to suit
Crude, yet functional.
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DL, you just became a salesman on top of it all :) "Now with two grown men in racoon suits!"

What can I say, at this day of age you gotta scream louder and angrier to get noticed ;)

Two grown raccoon man suits and a baby! Controversy on the same sex marriage is the new black and SOooo hot right now! Gotta ride that train.... Worked for the "hurtlocker" and iraq at oscars..
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Nope, now we sell ourselves to them to shoot those videos to upload... and learn to use that tool and sell ourselves as a specialist, so they can REALLY stand out.

Yep, that's how I see it, too. Just because somebody's got the tools, doesn't mean they know how to use them. Filmmakers who know what they're doing can exploit this to their advantage.
I figure it will have the same effect as the freelancer "bid" jobs popping up did a couple years back - an influx of low quality, horribly produced and badly directed videos.

Then someone (namely, us) will have to deal with stingy clients ranting and raving about WHY SHOULD THEY have to pay us $2000 when THE GOOGLE DOES IT FOR FREE!
And that's not a problem for me as at the beginning of the interaction, I'll show them a project I did for someone else who paid... and they can hold it up against theirs for comparison at the end... They'll probably end up calling me back afterwards to a "rush" bonus padded price.