yes hello there

my name is Jason, i hail from glorious central IL USA. i'm an avant garde/ambient composer and musician, and of course like many others on this site i would enjoy scoring more film. i've got some under my belt already, as well as quite a few albums and what not. all the self-pimping in due time, and in the proper subforum.

i've just recently started experimenting with analog video synthesis and processing, having purchased some older component prosumer equipment and CCTV cameras for video feedback etc. soon i hope to purchase the first of some new LZX industries eurorack modules for video use. when those units are integrated into my studio i'm sure i'll be sharing some examples and techniques for those on this forum, as i haven't seen too much analog stuff being discussed (but of course i am new, and just started reading threads recently).

to complete my introduction, here is a public domain video i edited to serve as visual accompaniment to one of my tracks so you can kind of get a feel for the noises i make and my aesthetic:
my apologies for not being able to figure out how to imbed this :(

some of my music can be heard on soundcloud and you can see the processes and equipment i use on my youtube channel.

looking forward to seeing everyone around the forums!