archived-videos Yellowcard Music Video Contest Entry

Watched the video. Very nicely shot. :)
Also what's the name of your actress in your music video? She look really familiar to me. Was just wondering.

You got my vote. :D
Well.. thanks for the vote, after posting I realized that ifilm screwed things up. The video that is linked to my name is also the video that is linked to the person just before me on the list, so I assume it is theirs. Mine is thus far, MIA... something I'm not at all pleased about.

I've left them a voicemail and an email and HOPE it will be sorted out quickly. Otherwise I'm considering whether or not it would be resonable to take legal action... ;)
I just voted for you, but before reading your last post, so have I helped or not? Either way, hope it all works out for you.
I dunno.. I'm hoping that only the video is wrong and that the votes on my name count for me.. Thanks for the support everyone! I really hope they get this fixed soon.

I'd hate to have to run around screaming "DISENFRANCHISEMENT" for a month (or more).. ;)
You voted for the wrong video!

Hey Will, this is quite ironic. The video that plays when you click on your name is my video (Flaviu Man - listed right above your name). They also mispelled my last name.

Anyway, don't want to take any voted from you Will, but if anyone likes my video, please vote for it >> Flaviu Man (the video with the car burnouts at the beginning). Have not had my computer for a few weeks...I have a lot of stories to tell when I get it back...had a LOT of problems working on this!
hehe.. nice. I had quite a few problems too... I've watched a fair amount of the others on there.. I'd bet yours will make it to the top five.. (as I hope mine does as well, if it ever gets on there!) looks to be better than the rest. Nearly every other one I've seen looks too much like a typical video, and like they didn't put much thought into original ideas, just took one of the 'suggestions' and ran with it. LOTS of 'get a group of friends together and rock out' videos.

Good luck to you DirectorX.
Okay so I voted for Will, but it turns out I was voting for DirectorX's video. Hmmmmmmmmm :hmm:

I guess I could say I voted for both of you. :D

Well shot DirectorX. What format and what kind of camera did you use? It had the look of film in some shots and video in others, but everything had good depth of field.

Oh and good looking actress. The guy wasn't bad either!

Will, I kept looking for the shot in which you took your spill, and I kept thinking, "Wasn't the dude that was running in Will's shot different than the dude that's in this video? Dude." I hope they get yours loaded, but having had a bad Ifilm experience in the past I would advise you to bug the crap out of them until they fix it.

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Well I had left a voice mail and email on Thursday (after they closed) figured I'd give them through the end of the day today (Monday) to get it sorted out.. they have not. I will be on them thicker than flies on sh*t from now until it's taken care of or the contest is over and I sue their asses.. :D
Hey guys, finally got my stuff back from Apple, etc...

Poke, I shot the music video on my XL-1S. If you guys wanna see the 'final' color corrected version, you can download it from my site >> (34MB). Open it with QuickTime or other mpg4 video player. It's better quality than iFilm.

Will, thanks and good luck to you as well.

Hailtotheking, I'm not sure where you may know my actress from unless you have seen her in a play. She has a lot of stage experience but I believe this was her first time in front of a camera.