XLR Splitter

Forgive me if i posted in the wrong forum, my final stop was here after searching for hours. We create cooking videos and we have three camera (Canon XA-10) each shooting from different angle. We have audio mixer (Europower PMP1000) and wireless mic that the talent wears. The problem we are having is getting all three camera to record the same audio. The way we have setup is the wireless transmitter connects to audio mixer, then we have two XLR's coming out of the main output (L&R) from the audio mixer. The two XLRs then go to each of the two cameras (We have enabled the optioned of mixing the audio in the camera). How can we connect the third XLR to mixer and connect it to the third camera. Is there an XLR splitter that will do the job, for example if we were to connect the two XLRs coming from the mixer to a splitter and the get three XLRs (L&R) going to the three cameras. I hope i explained everything and sorry for the noob question. Thanks in advance for any replies.

Why do you want the cameras to record the audio? Why not hook a recorder to your mixer and sync in post?

That said, there are things like this:
That could do the job for you.

Thank you very much for your reply. The other two camera is not recording her face, they recording what she is doing, that is why. I can use the recorder's audio to sync it to only one angle which is recording her face.
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Ah, okay, I get you. I guess I would have just thought camera audio would be fine for syncing purposes, as long as you were capturing good sound off the mixer.

Anyway, those should do you fine. And if you want to keep the budget down, you could probably find a cheaper Y than that Monster; that was just the first result that came up!