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A new entertainment network that exhibits short films on a pay-per-view basis. Please check out the site, let me know what you think. Any feedback is welcome.
Very interesting!

After reviewing your site i am always interested to hear of any new sites where the filmmaker can actually make money from their work, especially when filmmakers frequently unsell themselves.

Is ten minutes the maximum length you screen? And when can i view some films on your site?

Currently i am in post production with "Airport 9/11."
We will actually be showcasing the films on kiosks in restaurants and shopping centers as well as online. The first 20 films will be premiering later this month in Orange County, but we plan to expand nationally. Films should be available online shortly after. 10 minutes is the cut off time, as we want the audience to have time to view an entire film while waiting for a table or waiting at the mall, etc. You can e-mail sara@portalcastinc.com for more details and info. on submission. I appreciate the feedback!