My name's Jeremy J, I'm an aspiring filmmaker hopeful from the humble little village known as Winnipeg. I'm semi-ambitious about bringing the perspective and opinions of the downtown streets onto the tv screen, and I'm also into sports filming, comedy script writing, and digital music composition.
I'm young and uncredentialed, but very keen on the possibilities of digital technology from here on.
Cool, well hit me up if you have any questions. It'll probably be a few years of school before I'm commercially accreditable, but I do have spunk in unending supply.
-Jeremy J
My name's Jeremy J, I'm an aspiring filmmaker hopeful from the humble little village known as Winnipeg. I'm semi-ambitious about bringing the perspective and opinions of the downtown streets onto the tv screen, and I'm also into sports filming, comedy script writing, and digital music composition.
I'm young and uncredentialed, but very keen on the possibilities of digital technology from here on.
Cool, well hit me up if you have any questions. It'll probably be a few years of school before I'm commercially accreditable, but I do have spunk in unending supply.
-Jeremy J