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Writing my first screenplay

Ok I am totally new to this forum and to the world of writing screenplays. I am writing my first script and am looking for advice. I only have 9 scenes so far. I was wondering if I could email a couple to someone to read and tell me what they think. It's not formated or anything. I'm just looking for someone to tell me if it could be any good. It is similar to the movie Red Dawn but definitely not the same. If anyone is interested let me know and also any advice on writing in general would be cool too.:)
Hey cbar, welcome to the forums! :D

I'm sure there are plenty of people here who'd be happy to give your script some feedback, but the fact is no one really wants to read an unformatted script. It'd be like offering someone a story to read but saying "I haven't put any paragraphs in yet". Not fun.

Definitely give those links from rayw a go. Once you get the hang of formatting you'll even probably start to enjoy it. In fact I guarantee it. Your script will be clearer and easier to read, will give you a more accurate gauge of the films run time and most importantly it will look more professional, thus giving your confidence a nice boost. :cool:

Even just try to format a scene or two and see how you go with it. I bet your screenplay instantly improves.

Good luck. :)
Is Save the Cat! a book or a website?


Goooooooogle it...

Goooooooogle it...

A-freaking men man...

how do these people expect to make a movie? Anyone wanting to make a movie should NOT be here on this forum. No offense to the forum...

But you should be scouring the web, watching movies, reading about movies...

You guys that want shit handed to you, don't be surprised when you end up with a hand full of shit.
A-freaking men man...

how do these people expect to make a movie? ... You guys that want shit handed to you, don't be surprised when you end up with a hand full of shit.

:huh: Wow, way to be unnecessarily harsh.

Cbar did say he was new to the world of screenwriting and looking for advice with his first script. He came here looking for some guidance from people who had more of a clue then himself. Give him a break.

He asked a simple question, no need to shoot him down:

I found a book and a website and was curious to which the original poster was referring to.

Cbar, I believe the reference was to the book 'Save the Cat'. I haven't read it myself but its billed as "the last book on screenwriting you'll ever need", so might be worth a look for a beginning screenwriter.

IndiePaul's links are sure to help too. :)
The film business is harsh. It's why 99% of people who try in it fail. Toughen up.

Yes. Save the Cat! is a book.

I read it, did what it told me... then wrote a 95 page script (my first ever feature) in 4 days that without any major reworking was a quarterfinalist in Scriptapalooza this year.
A-freaking men man...

how do these people expect to make a movie? Anyone wanting to make a movie should NOT be here on this forum. No offense to the forum...

But you should be scouring the web, watching movies, reading about movies...

You guys that want shit handed to you, don't be surprised when you end up with a hand full of shit.

...I've gotten some pretty good feedback here. I agree with some of what you mean, but any resource is a good resource. Even a discussion forum.
