writing a script for my first animated short

hey you guys, im in the process of writing my first animated short script/screenplay for my final 3rd year film. Its going to be a silent movie with only sound effects and music, i hate doing lip syncs thats the reason for this. Does anyone have any suggestions or comments on editing, the writing process, basically anything that would help with the process, any problems anyone encountered with either live action or animation or both?


That is a very wide range of topics.... maybe scan through some of the forums and read what other people have had issues with then come back here and ask something more specific.
You're in film school right? Should be fairly easy to get someone to help animate unless you plan on doing it yourself.

The story and writing aspect follows any advice you'd get for live action, just write what you see on the screen in your mind. A good story if your first step. I'd assume storyboard your scenes, then animate. You'll probably wanna sketch out your initial design yourself then, if you lack those MC Escher skills, you can have someone refine your sketches.

Editing should be okay if you have a program and seeing that all of your animations will be copied to your computer, might be easier. Think about adding shit to a cartoon picture in paint. Its much easier when its a cartoon, as opposed to a live action picture. Basically I think it might be easier to add effects to an animation then an uploaded live action clip...could be wrong though.