• You are welcome to promote here, but members are also welcome to reply with their opinions.

Would you like a review of your movie on Jojevis.com!?


My name is Chris and I write for and help to maintain the website http://www.jojevis.com. We are a very new site and are trying to gain a little recognition by offering media that other places do not, and currently we are seeking to collect many films that are seeking distribution or are self-distributed and to put them on display for more people to see. We want to watch your film for what it is and talk about it for what it is.

We have already reviewed one film for the series, and we have some more coming to us including: Phallusifer, the World's First Black Metal Porno (www.karnalfilm.com). We are not an adult site, and you definitely don't have to have made a film like that to take part, we accept all submissions and ignore none. If you submit your film to this series, it will be watched and reviewed, and we would love to include a short interview with the director for every article.

Remember: if no one watches your movie, then nobody watches your movie!

We at Jojevis.com hope that you're interested in having your film on the site. If so, send us a private message on indietalk so we can start talking!