Which field recorder settings sound better?

Once you put it on youtube, it's been converted and we can't make a valid judgement... unless youtube is your final destination intended for the work you'll be producing.
1. Which field recorder settings sound better?
2. Which of these two screams sound better?

H44 you don't seem to have learnt much about audio. Your test is invalid and you are asking two different questions which are not directly related. The second question is answerable but the first is not, at least it's not answerable with the data you have provided.

The ONLY way you can test your field recorder's settings is to run 2 or more tests, making sure everything in all your tests is absolutely identical, with the ONLY exception being your field recorder's settings. This means: Using the same identical mic, in the identical position/distance from an identical sound source, in an identical acoustic. If you are using different screams your test is immediately invalid because there is no way of knowing how much of the difference we are hearing is due to the field recorder settings or due to the fact that the actual sounds themselves in each test are different and, I presume there are also at least small differences between the tests with regards to mic position.

Testing audio and audio equipment can be very tricky, if you want to avoid fooling yourself by testing something other than what you intended. In fact, a whole industry (worth many tens of millions a year) has been built on this very fact.
