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character Which characters are better for my movie?

I'm on my first attempt at writing a serious script, and I'm trying to write a bank heist movie. I was thinking either a movie about three black guys and one white guy pulling off the heist, or reverse my script idea, and make it three highschool students, probably all white and maybe one asian.

I basically thought of the characters similar to Martin Lawrence and Chris Tucker, and the white guy is a serious no bullshit type of guy. Basically like Blue Streak/National Security/Rush hour type action/humor.

For the other script I was thinking of Superbad/kickass type characters and humor. Which one do you think would be better?

The script and the layout of the heist would be different based on which characters I choose, and I'm writing this based off an idea I thought of with my brother, but we still need to come up with good conflict to keep the movie going.
Why is the racial mix so important?

If you really want make it interesting how about a black guy (he's the "leader"), a hispanic guy (he's the "muscle"), an asian guy (he's the "tech geek") and a beautiful blond (she's needed for an aspect of the heist, perhaps she's small and a very flexible gymnast the which is the only way they'll get in. She also becomes the "conflict").

You've now got plenty of culture clash plus some battle of the sexes.
Your idea for the Super Bad style makes me think of the movie "30 mins or less" with Jesse Eisenberg. Alcove Audio has a pretty good idea for figuring out what each characters role is but my advice would be to do something that's not totally expected like a skinny blonde or techy asian character would be. Especially if your going for comedy. I'd just try to make it ridiculous like an asian guy whos a ladies man, gangster hispanic guy as a techy, and a "thick" female character that can somehow make it into tight spaces.
I like the idea of the fat chick that the superpower of being able to get through crazy tight places (she's double jointed, yo). When she's introduced to the group, it's obvious that she's the least qualified person for the job. Then she squeezes behind the refrigerator and finds a dollar or something. She could also be a hyper sexual woman who wears grossly inappropriate outfits and says that, because she's such a contortionist, she doesn't need a man for anything and flicks her tongue in and out of her mouth. You have the whole revolting, yet oddly enticing, aspect to it. You did say it was a comedy. You should play with role reversals and turning stereotypes on their heads.

That's just my opinion
I like your thinking Lucky haha. Literally loled at the dollar behind the refrigerator. Does anyone remember that superhero movie where Kel from Kenan and Kel played a guy who could be invisible but only when no one was looking? Anyway it must have been good for the story because I still remember it after only seeing it once ten or so years ago.
Bourne if your still trying to work on this project with other people (like from your other thread) then let me know. I'd love to participate.
Which one do you think would be better?
A - The one that the logic makes sense from the beginning to end.
B - The one you have the cast to film.

FWIW, you might wanna make a few five minute shorts before biting off a feature.

Also, where do you plan on showing these when you're done? Film festivals? Youtube? AFM?