Which camera?

I'm ash a student currently in my dissertation year at uni, in my spare time i do behind the scenes videos for a music video production company.I already have the canon 600d which I have been filming on and it seems to achieve ok results for YouTube for both myself and the company, however I'm looking to upgrade.
I'm thinking about spending up to 2000 pounds on a new camera. At the moment I am torn between the canon 6d, 5d mk II, 5d mk III and the black magic cinema camera when it is released. I understand I will have to push my budget for some of the cameras, but that's not too much of a problem if it helps.

I would like to shoot my dissertation before march so bmcc may be out of the question.
I don't have much supporting equipment so I'm thinking the mkII may be the answer because its cheaper and ill have some more money to spend on other stuff, but I've admired the quality of the bmcc and the lightness for the full frame 6d, so I'm unsure which I should get!

Are there any alternatives to these that I am missing out on? What would you do in my situation, hold out for the bmcc and try to borrow another camera for my dissertation?

If its mainly for behind the scenes stuff then;

Have you got a selection of lenses?
steadicam/glide cam
or a shoulder rig?

and what sort of audio equipment do you have, providing you need to record any audio at all?
I'm ash a student currently in my dissertation year at uni, in my spare time i do behind the scenes videos for a music video production company.I already have the canon 600d which I have been filming on and it seems to achieve ok results for YouTube for both myself and the company, however I'm looking to upgrade.
I'm thinking about spending up to 2000 pounds on a new camera. At the moment I am torn between the canon 6d, 5d mk II, 5d mk III and the black magic cinema camera when it is released. I understand I will have to push my budget for some of the cameras, but that's not too much of a problem if it helps.

I would like to shoot my dissertation before march so bmcc may be out of the question.
I don't have much supporting equipment so I'm thinking the mkII may be the answer because its cheaper and ill have some more money to spend on other stuff, but I've admired the quality of the bmcc and the lightness for the full frame 6d, so I'm unsure which I should get!

Are there any alternatives to these that I am missing out on? What would you do in my situation, hold out for the bmcc and try to borrow another camera for my dissertation?


One camera I'd add to the list is the Sony FS100 it has great lowlight capabilities. It uses e-mount lenses but with adapters you can make it use Canon and Nikon glass.
IMO, you're better of sticking with your 600D and spending the money on lenses and audio.

Lenses will make a difference to your image quality, much more so than the difference between a 600D and a 5DmkII.
Thanks for your replies.

For lens' I pretty much use my nifty 50 for most but I have a 70-300 tamron and 18-55 canon (efs though so I'd have to buy another if I upgrade camera).
I've been thinking of getting a shorter focal length prime because of the crop factor but then again if I go full frame then that shouldn't be as much an issue.
I have a zoom h4n for interviews, which is usually what i use for my bts work with the songs instrumental as the sound track.
I have bought a cheap rig to steady the camera , and plan on getting a cheap steadycam... I was looking at the manfrotto 3 in 1 modosteady for a start.

What would you guys do? By the sounds of it it's the quality of the glass I need to upgrade so what lens would you suggest?

Thanks guys I'm kind of stuck because if I can I'd rather get stuff sooner so I can use it for my dissertation production aswell.