Which camera for my first project?

Hello indietalk community, i have a question for anyone that can help a noob make a big decision.

I need to start shooting my first project pretty soon - a lo-budget mini-series. I need to buy a camera asap and familiarize myself with it. I am really just a writer, but i'm going to have to shoot it all myself. As such i know very little about cameras, but i'm ready to jump in the deepend.

My Budget's about £500 (780usd) - fine with going 2nd hand if i can get more bang for buck.

Here's some info about my project relevant to camera choice...

-Most of the shots are within my flat - the rooms are quite small and generally let in a below average amount of light. I'm concerned if i'm shooting when winter draws in that the light levels might get a bit low.
-Most shots are daytime scenes.
-Most shots are fairly close in, very few long shots.
-It will probably be in black n white, though i might shoot in colour and see what it looks like
-I'm considering hd for the great clarity
-I'm most likely going to use a zoom h4 and overdub the speech, but i would like to hear what people have to say about the mic's on cameras in my range. I'm considering overdubs because it seems convenient considering the actors are all first timers and also because i thought it could make for some kooky stylization.
-There will only be one camera and i'll be moving it around a lot giving the illusion of multi camera angles, so i guess it needs versatility close in. Decent zoom maybe.
-I don't know about different resolutions, i have no idea what would be suitable.

Any advice would be much appreciated, i've got so much to think about at the mo my heads about to explode!
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chek out the dslr's like the t2i, i shot my first film with a kodak zi8, it has a macro setting which makes it good for CU. You can plug a mic in so... and it's like £140 from pc world or on ebay about £100 well worth it. Youtube Zi8 test footage you will be suprised how effing good this cam is.