When the GH3 Actually Becomes Available for Mere Mortals...

When the GH3 becomes -actually- available for everyone, not just as a pre-order, or only for the selected few, what will happen to the GH2?

I'm contemplating a GH2 purchase, as I have been for a while. But, I'm wondering what's going to happen. I've been very annoyed by the GH2's price sticking where it has been for a long damn while now. I don't want to buy it now, if its price is soon to drop once the GH3 is actually out and kicking.

On the other hand, if I recall rightly, it's my impression that that didn't really happen with the GH1 when the GH2 came out. Didn't Panasonic and the big retailers simply and quickly discontinue the GH1?

I know you can get these things used on Ebay, or I suppose, on Craigs List. Can't say I'm much of a gambler, though, and that's what Ebay largely is...a gamble. I'd probably rather just get a new camera, if I'm spending that much money (yes, that's a lot of money for me).

I read somewhere that the GH3 will be Panasonic's flagship camera. If so, I suppose that suggests that they'll be keeping the GH2 around as well as support for it. But, will that be so? Or, will they just kill the GH2...and I can just forget about the price dropping?
<---- Does that Charlie Brown Uuuuuhhhhhgggg! thing. :P

That's what I get for not keeping an eye on Amazon. ;)


Oh funny, sorta. Tonight, just after posting, I see that B&H dropped their price ever so slightly for the GH2 + kit lens to 699. But still...700 dollars. I better start paying more attention to Amazon.
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The offered it for like $400 with the crappy kit lens, while body only was still going for $469. It sold out QUICK. I almost got one, but just didn't think I'd use it enough to justify that over things like a tripod upgrade.
The offered it for like $400 with the crappy kit lens, while body only was still going for $469. It sold out QUICK. I almost got one, but just didn't think I'd use it enough to justify that over things like a tripod upgrade.

Oh, Gonzo, you should have jumped. Then again...that 400 or 469 dollars could go towards that 5D III you're going to get. ;)

The thing is, a GH2 and its "unlimited" clip length would be handy for those occassion shoots that I think you've mentioned that you do once in a blue moon, not to mention, you've said you'd like one for a B camera. =)

I'm sad to hear that the kit lens is crappy. The thing is, the widest FD lens that I have is a 24. That FD 14mm super wide angle that Canon made looks and sounds like a real beauty of a vintage lens. But, I think the last time I looked for it on Ebay or wherever, it cost a freaking fortune. Not all that fast, either. And, how much light do you loose on top of that when using the FD adapter on a GH2? Of course there are alternatives.

And I do recall Kholi saying that the kit lens is too contrasty.

Mir.Com.My: The Canon FD Resources - The FD Lenses