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What to try and attempt Rotoscoping

Greetings, I recently came acrosse this video on another forum http://vimeo.com/38544065 and have seen other videos similar to this but not as good as this one. I have a simple understanding of how rotoscoping is done, and I have always wanted to attempt something like this. I want to be able to have the same person playing different characters (3 in this video) in the same scene. any advice?

block the scene as if you were dealing with a normal shoot, then figure out the break down after, then figure out where the interactions and crossing need to happen. Plan for that shoot... then budget a ton of time for roto.

For that wine bottle, the first actor set it down and acted out the rest of the scene... then with a locked camera and set, they moved to the 3rd actor and had him pick it up, then using the corner of the table from the middle plate and moving the matte after the bottle is set down to use the left plate.