What stock footage do you want?

When I realized there was not so much free stock footage online I wanted to contribute. On one hand I want to build a clip gallery for myself but I also want to share it with other creative people.
On my list of footage I'm going to make and publish is as follows:
  • Forrests
  • Running water
  • The sea
  • Lakes
  • Clouds
there is a lot of nature where I live but I also want to make more urban scenes.

But my question now is, what would you love to find on a CC attribution HD stock footage site? Please give me some ideas.
I wonder if we could have some type of database on here that could house stock footage and sounds clips for members to use. Have it be something that everyone can contribute to...

I guess it would depend on how much storage space is offered on the server...

Maybe if enough people were to join as a premiere member, it would offset the cost of the storage space needed...

I got it! There are all sorts of free services out there where people can transfer large files. Maybe if we started a thumbnail database where people only had to uplaod compressed files showing what the footage or sound clips contained. Then if someone wanted to use that file, they could contact the person that owned the clip and they could exchange via a file sharing site.

It would just take active participation between users. Maybe keep track of people's contributions; you can't download anything unless you upload something first, kind-of-a-thing...
The planet Earth.
Other planets and other space things.
City skylines
Naked women (they're always popular right?) :-)
Maps/Atlas of countries/regions.
Vehicles (trains, cars, bikes, bicycles)
Office workers and office equipment

Are you looking at full stock footage or are you also looking at sfx footage like fire, smoke, explosions, weapons, vehicles, furniture etc?
The corporate work always uses timelapses of people crossing busy streets, sunsetting behind highrise, tide coming in and out...