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watch What People Think Asians Sound Like - A VoxPop by Squinty Studios

Hey guys, last week I didn't release a video due to time constraints my friend and I had that week, so we decided to make it up by making two videos. This is the first one. The seconds one is still being edited.

Problems: We should of definitely bring a focus chart as you will notice some of the shots are out of focus. My friend forgot about the rule of thirds when he was filming so I had to reposition the image to fit the shot. However, my expanding the image to fit the shot we lost some quality. However, at least it's less awkward to watch. This was kind of my first time going around to interview people so I was quite nervous, but eventually I got use to it.

URL: http://youtu.be/SoAtFHBvFu8

Any feedback on anything would be great besides the things I've stated in the problems list. If you enjoy the video. Remember to share it with all your friends.