What now?


I just recently finished my first commercial film, which was not a huge success, but glad that I had finished it. I want to continue the start of my filmmaking career, but what do I do now? What's next? How can I make my next step? Is it to keep writing, entering contests, what do you think?

Thanks for your time,
Should I keep writing shorts and full-lengths? Should I get connected with places? I guess what I'm asking, is when am I going to get "noticed"? If someone's writing or making shorts and posting on youtube, and submitting to film festivals, how are they ever going to get past that?

It's a very generic question. What do you think?
I'm no expert by any means, but my advice would be to just keep working...get stuff out there, no matter what it is. Just don't stop.
Don't stop, and don't slow down.

Do athletes get stale if they stop playing? Do guitar players get rusty if they stop practicing?

Keep at it and the work ethic and the work itself will start to pay off sometime.
Keep writing. Keep sending scripts to a few select agencies or companies. You know the famous quote...

'ABW'....always be writing.

Good luck.
Keep working at it. As far as 'getting Noticed' you create your own 'Luck' The more you do then there are more opportunities to be seen.
Good Luck