What me a Lier

so there I am on MSN a few nights back and this guy comes on says he got my msn from indietalk's site, so I say whats up.

he ask's me a few Q and A's about what I do.. no big deal then ask's me what movies I have worked on so I tell him that.

Then he ask's me about what I think he should do to get his script made: ok now this is where I am a no holds bared guy and I say what I think. may not know everything but I have been dealing with Porudction companys for a long time and I think I can tell what I know pritty good.

so I start my spill on what I think.

i.e. dont go to MGM they get 10000 a day and dont really have the time and if you dont have backing they will look at you cross eyed unless you are in a city such as Vancouver then you can just walk into lieons gate films and give her or MGM here is pritty slow but the guy is in LA or somthing so I give him some contact info for Prime Time Pictores and Bases Loaded Unlimited and say goto them as they are small and can help you out.

next day he leaves me a msg calling me a lire and an ass.. What the Hell
http://members.shaw.ca/jordan-spfx/_notes/test/test.html <---- bases loaded Unlimited Shane Dean CEO and Producer

www.shanedean.com this is his old site however the first one will be on the server soon.

http://jerseystylefilms.com/ <---- Director Jesse James Jackson Ex US Army and a good friend I have had in the Industry for some 6 or 7 years now.

http://primetime-pictures.com/index.html Kelsey Howard
Director/Producer a dear and old friend that gave me my brake in getting into FX on set.

and last Tie the investor I know, however his company allways ask's the same thing, all DVD rights.. arrrgggggggg
Will Vincent said:
Definately.. oh. and stupid people suck. :D

I dont think he is stupid I just think he needs to think before he starts in on some one.

I mean if a person is lending you a hand and not asking for anything in return its just rud to call them a name, also you can cut your own head off by doing such a thing.

I mean what if Shane dean was to get back to him with a yes then Shane comes to me saying his name and that he is thinking of producing his move then I say Oh that guy Oh he called me a bunch of names then a lier.. Shane being a friend may say Oh really well he just cut his own head off... then backs away from him...

would that suck are what LOL