What is a good camera for me?

How is everyone? I'm new.. not only to this board but to this world. I am not a filmmaker but wait... don't stop reading.. lol.. I am a host and I have a show that comes on public access in Long Island. My cousin went to school for this type of stuff but she is more of an editor.... anyway. The show was shot last season with a regular camcorder but even though it is only public access, I would like it to have more of a professional look so I am looking for a pro camera to start out with. I've been online for 6hrs now, on cnet and bhvideo, my head is spinning.. ccd, hd, xlr.. its like a foreign language. I have a budget of about $1500 and I would like to get a camera to start out with and would very much like a suggestion.. I even contacted some sellers on craigslist but I am hesitant to buy because I don't even know if the camera's they are selling are worth the price...

if anyone could help me I would appreciate it greatly.
The camera's and prices I am considering are
Cannon GL-1 $800.00
Sony Vx1000 with fisheye $1,200.00
Canon GL2 $1,100.00
Canon XL1S $1,000.00

You can actually get into the lower end HD cameras in that price range. Won't be broadcasting HD of course, but it will produce a nice image. The biggies are manual controls (focus, exposure, etc...), external mic jack, headphone jack, etc...

IMO any of the cameras you listed would produce a nice image, where you are probably having the bigger problem is lighting. A shot lit really really well can look good on a $250 camera.