What if I were to tell you that I wanted to share my writing process...

...is that something you might be interested in?

But really, I'm working on a screenplay right now called, "Escaping Eden," a science fantasy. This baby has been two and a half years in the works, with six completely different full-length drafts toying with the premise, not to mention multiple false starts. I've now honed my story to something I'm very confident in. I'm about half way through the treatment, and I've got that feeling that the story is writing itself. It's great; it makes me realize I should do more work before writing all of my scripts.

So once I finish the treatment and register it with WGA West, I'll start writing the screenplay. The story has a good deal of intrigue in it, so I figured it might be fun to post sequences of the script as I write them, almost like episodically telling the story. Would anybody be interested in reading it? I don't want to do it if nobody is going to read.

Here's a basic summary/logline:
In the ruins of civilization, a small religious community flourishes under the powerful guide of Father Lucas. Their peaceful lives are torn apart when angelic men confront their holy leader and steal four of his disciples. The four young hostages must embark on a journey into the fantastic world of Creo where they meet devastating challenges of strength, mind, and spirit.

Would anybody be interested in this?

~ Paul
Great, that's enough for me. I just registered the treatment (told you it was coming fast), and I've the prologue written, so I'll start another thread. I'll set up something on my website to make this simple... maybe a PDF of the latest draft, or a webpage of the new addition. I like the latter idea, though it may not be worth the formatting woes. I'll figure something out.

~ Paul