What camera should someone new to filmmaking buy?

My budget is anything under $1,000. My dream would be to get the Sony Handy Cam that has interchangeable lenses but I'm thinking that is not gonna happen! I'm a film student and my main reason for wanting one is to make my own short films, or documentaries in my free time. I want something portable and usable for guerrila filmmaking. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Check out the Canon models Hv40 HFxxx, just make sure what ever camera you buy has a microphone jack



Also if you're going to use an older or newer computer for editing the HV40 uses HDV and miniDV tape technology, so it will work with most older systems.

The HF uses AvcHD with SD cards which will take a bit more computing power
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I use a Canon 900zr camcorder (though am looking at upgrading). However, there's no ability to use lens adapters for shallow DOF unfortunately, but it's a great "guerilla(sp)" cam-small and lightweight!