What are common VFX needs?

Hi guys,

I'm after your help please!

I'm looking to set myself up as VFX/3D artist, to help those on the indie scene who need someone with my skills.

So I as wondering what are the common things people need someone to do the VFX for?

I can then create an appropriate show reel.

Some thoughts I had are:

Matte painting, 2D or 3D (fantasy, sci fi, olden times etc)
Set extensions
Adding in buildings etc
Sky Replacement
Keying (removing green/blue screen)
Sign replacement (replacing the the text on real signs, to make it look like another country, world, time etc)
Muzzle flashes for guns
Bullet ejections from guns
Holographs (like Star Wars, Vanilla Sky etc)
Haptic Holographs eg Avatar, Avengers, Iron Man etc (those semi see through, floating screens that you can touch and manipulate controls or objects etc)
Magic Effects (Harry Potter etc)
Removing body parts /Dismembered bits!
Creating armies/extending crowd scenes
Adding in fake vehicles: Space craft, tanks, helicopters, planes etc.
Adding rain, snow, thunder storms

I could probably go on, but better stop there.

Many thanks for any help you can offer.
I think a lot of people are often looking for compositors and chroma keying. I'm also learning VFX at the moment so if you need any help, feel free to PM me :)
That's some list. Some of these shots would need you to participate in the photography as well. How much VFX experience do you have? Perhaps I can help prioritize your list.
Thanks guys, this is great, keep it coming.

I clearly forgot some obvious ones!

Feel free to mention again ones that I have mentioned or someone else. I can gauge their popularity then.

Rok, I have been in the computer graphics industry for nearly 10 years, and have gained VFX skills in the last few. Yeah I am fully aware for a some of these I would need to be involved before/during shooting too. But I guess that depends on how well organised the producer/director is!
But I guess that depends on how well organised the producer/director is!

VFX Dept 'needs' are typically given little, or no, thought by Production unless otherwise told.

As you learn how to post new types of shots, you may consider also creating a document that outlines how you want the plate to be shot (lock-off, pan/tilt, steadycam, Video, film, VistaVision, color chart, motion control, clean plates, BS lighting, etc.). If you can't be there to supervise the shoot you should meet with the Director & DP and carefully review each board, and hand out detailed notes and diagrams.

I've created my own personal documentation and it's saved my creative and financial butt more times than I care to remember.

Check your PMs
