We Are - A Digital State of Mind

Hey guys! New to the site. A group of my closest friends and I have started up our own YouTube channel to share our work on, including our newest Short Film Mini-Series: The Foundry. So far we have part one completed and part two is in the works, due by February 2012, possibly by the end of January.


Me (Trevor aka xxsolidsteelxx) and my best friend (Jordan aka mrschulzy23) run the channel. We do just about anything, including comedy and action short films. We aim to create high quality content with special effects and original music for entertainment and to build our portfolio. Jordan and I plan on starting a production company in the future. My father who currently works in the Motion Picture Industry has shown this video to many professionals in the industry, and we have received some very positive feedback. It would mean a lot if you shared this short film with your friends and family.

We both have our own channels.
I am XXSolidsteelXX
It consists of music and guitar covers that I have done since I started playing guitar, and some gaming videos.

Jordan is MrSchulzy23
This is his portfolio with work he has done from years ago and up to very recently.

And of course, here is The Foundry: Episode 1
