• You are welcome to promote here, but members are also welcome to reply with their opinions.

Watch free docs and promote your films on: documentary.net

we would like to inform you about our new project:

we offer free documentaries online
+available worldwide
+playable on iPad, Android as well
+you can promote your film, trailer or project for free
+we carefully select docs to guide our visitors through the vast amout of content.

we really appreciate your feedback/comments etc.

please follow us on

ps: we only list films with 100% permission of the filmmakers. most other free documentary sites don't give a damn about the filmmakers and put copies of their films on various websites without asking. they even earn money due to high traffic and ads. instead of complaining we decided to offer a legal alternative. so please support us by forwarding the website to friends or linking to us. thx!
I've got a doc, but the music we use has a limited license that only allows us to host the video on Facebook (single online entity) and our own site. Renegotiating the terms would likely cost more money. Is there any way to handle this set of conditions?