Was sin city shot in HD

I heard Once Upon a Time in Mexico was shot in HD (never saw it myself) but
I was wondering if Sin City or Sky Captain were as well?

Also if anyone has seen the Broken DVD I'd like an unbiased opinion of it...
i'm more interested in how helpful it would be for making digital video "look"
like film then how good the actual project was...

I haven't seen Broken, but I have seen the trailer. Getting that film look is nothing new, really (I have done it myself). You need to use a camera that has 24p (DVX100, SDVX900, Varicam, Cinealta, XL2, etc), have a really good DP (pay them!), and have great sound (yes, sound helps your movie become more like a "real movie". This includes great sound recording, sound design, and music. It's not easy, but it's not some mystical thing. That said it will never look 100% like film (Sin City doesn't), but you will be pretty close on a small budget.