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WAR sound effects

Just wondering if anybody would know a good source for getting a whole lot of good sound effects for a big war scene?
Was looking at purchasing this:

But it's $250, so I thought I'd ask if there were any other options before laying down cash!

Also after good sfx for a kung fu fight scene and a big car chase if you have any ideas?
Try searching Google for FREE SOUND FX or FREE SOUND EFFECTS

You should find a handful of sites that have free royalty free sounds. You can also Foley some of your own if you have the means.

Before settling on the Apocalypse set figure out exactly what you are going to need. If it is a Viet Nam film, yes it has most of what you want. If it's a WWII film the sounds will be all wrong. I guess what I'm saying is you need to be period accurate.

There are many other war/weapons libraries out there. The same applies to fighting and vehicles. Depending upon the quantity you need Sonomic and SoundDogs let you audition and purchase individual sounds on-line.

There's not a lot of great stuff out there that's free (I know, I've looked). You can check out Freesound.org, but the selection and quality will be variable and it will take a looooong time to audition everything to decide what you want to download. You'll also have to credit each sound you use.
True true. Alcove is correct...I mean...look at his name.

You won't find a ton of free sounds online, but you should find a few usable ones. Also, as he mentioned, you should make sure they are period. You don't want to use the sound for an AK47 if you need the sound of an M1 Carbine. However...you *can* use the sound of an AK47 if you need the sound of an M4--sure veterans will know the difference, but the common ear won't.
However...you *can* use the sound of an AK47 if you need the sound of an M4--sure veterans will know the difference, but the common ear won't.
The problem here is you usually want the opposing sides in a war film to each have a distinctive sound as they will usually be using different weapons. An excellent example of period accurate weaponry is "Saving Private Ryan" which is also an excellent example of POV sound and camera work.