War of the Worlds trailer...

I saw that a while back when it was just a teaser.. nice to see a trailer finally.. looks like it'll be cool, regardless of how ID4 it is. ;)
looks like NYC though.. Bluescreen or just partial location ?

BTW.. Do you guys think it would have been cooler had it had a dark White Chapel England feel to it by taking place in the late 1800s or do you think making it a modern time attack is more entertaining. It doesnt have to make sense that it happen 100 years ago. It doesnt even have to be earth the war takes place on.

just a thought. I think they should have been more creative with a classic.
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i would have probably gone to see it if it were set in the 1800s. i doubt i will with it being set in modern day US - just doesn't inspire enough interest to differentiate it from other films I would like to see. but if it could have been set anywhere.....Weimar Republic, when the Reichstag burned down ever so mysteriously.....
I love war of the worlds - HG Wells and all that... But I can't really help but wonder what Old Seniorita Spielburgio has got to offer it. I completely agree with Nique about it needing to be have been set in the 80s... not so sure about Weimar Republic.

I think it might just turn out to be minority report with a slightly different story. There could be room for a good fun game though... Try replacing every 'World' word in the film with the word 'Penquins' and see what happens!

Now the film I'm really looking forward to is Andrew Adamsons adaptation of C.S.Lewis's 'Lion the Witch and the Wordrobe'. December 2005 it hits the UK - not sure about it for all you westies.

Rock the penguin!
You know, If I recall, In the past there has been movies that came out with the same story themes like Dracula. Just because Spielburg made this film doesnt mean he has to be the only one. Someone in the UK or even here in the US could make war of the worlds and set it in the 1800s. As you spoke of Weimar Republic (Not sure what year or decade that took place) but about the time War of the Worlds was written there were many fires in the north midwest that destroyed many villiages. Some believe it was from a comets tail that started it. This could be the foundation for reason as to why it may of happen (for the movies sake not in real life of course).

Now that would be a cool movie to watch. We make to many films about ET in the modern time. How about UFOs visiting the Pilgrims of America who were to primative to understand space travel.

Or what may have been the cause of the Spanish Inquisition. That ET proclaimed to be the true gods and that all Jews must be slaughtered

hehe I keep editing this.

Or why the Nazi GErmans had UFO technology. ;) same ETs
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As you spoke of Weimar Republic (Not sure what year or decade that took place) but about the time War of the Worlds was written there were many fires in the north midwest that destroyed many villiages

Weimar Republic - the German Republic, the great beacon of hope for modern plural society, birth - 1919. death - 1933. the reichstag burning has been a mystery to many (unless you buy Hitler's story that the communist found there did it, or the communist story that the Nazis did it) - it would just make a good entrance for the war of the worlds (because thats pretty much what Weimar became anyway).

Now that would be a cool movie to watch.

darn straight.

hehe I keep editing this.

yeah....you might have to go back again.....

they could have their own film series, like quantum leap, only not helping but being really annoying little ziggys......