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Wanted - films for next generation channel

Hi everyone, i just wanted to introduce ourselves.

We are itzon, and we have created the next generation of digital platform for filmmakers. The technology behind itzon is revolutionary, complex and game-changing.

Channeling the best elements from the most successful media distribution and film-loving models and pushing the boundaries further than before, itzon will enter the fast-paced arena of Internet delivered TV in November 2010. Coinciding with the launch of premium Internet delivered TV products and applications, itzon has been built with the future of media consumption in mind and is an accessible, user friendly and interactive service from day one whether the viewer is in front of their computer or web-connected TV.

Our interactive online film festival and digital broadcast platform is designed to showcase exceptional film content to a global audience. itzon will be a place to experience the best independent films, documentaries and animation from filmmakers around the world.

An innovative and fully interactive service for filmmaker and audience member alike; our vision is to play our part in helping more independent productions get distribution deals or be acquired for mainstream TV broadcast and to help filmmakers create co-pro opportunities, win commissions, achieve film sales, get recognition, build a global fan base for their work and earn money from their views through our innovative VoD system.
Our objectives are to promote the fact that a film’s fan base can be as great, if not greater, than a huge advertising campaign, to mobilise the viral voice and help audiences and filmmakers ask traditional and longer established broadcast outlets – ‘why can’t you commission more productions like this?’ and to develop into a premium resource for traditional broadcasters and distributors to source new films and talent.
We’re here to showcase the best content: from 90 second microshorts right through to 2 hour epic features; one off’s, series’ or multiparts, scientific documentaries, historical biographies, extreme sports, right through to drama, comedy and sci-fi. We celebrate the independent spirit of engaging and original storytelling through diverse voices and exceptional talent. We want to help hand back more power to filmmakers and their teams and give them a place to screen their work that is secure, meaningful and valuable.

Change is good and we love it. itzon has been designed so that we can constantly and quickly evolve to meet the developing and growing needs of our audience and our content providers. The opportunity for interaction between film, filmmaker and viewer is limitless and to demonstrate this itzon will be rolling out a series of incredible features over the next 12 months.

With our launch in November approaching fast we are currently putting together a superb line up of films and will be keeping our followers up to date with new acquisitions on Facebook and Twitter. Please get in touch if you would like to hear more about itzon or if you have a film that you would like to submit for one of our forthcoming schedule of programmes. To get a visual understanding of how itzon will look and the benefits to the filmmaker, take a quick look at our demo video.

TV is changing, film is changing, distribution and audiences are changing and we want you to be part of it with us.

Thank you, the itzon team