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walking through a wall with sony vegas

Edit: I am terribly sorry, but i didn't realize you asked the question specifically for Sony Vegas. I've never used the software, but if it has the tools for masking, layer-ing, motion-tracking and color correcting, the following method should still work.

1-First, you need a wall and you need to dig a hole in it. (Or you could just have a door way)

2-Have your actor walk through the hole/door way

3-Create a matt-paint which blocks up the hole in the wall, and motion track it to the footage.

4-As your actor passes through where the CG wall should be, create a mask at the point on body that passes through the wall first. eg. nose tip, hand, one of the leg.

5-Key frame the masks and for every frame after that, expand the mask so more of your actor is on top of the CG wall. Remember, the more accurate the mask the better. If you have AE CS5, the rotoscope tool could be very helpful. other wise you'll have to do it by hand.

6-Continue until all of your actor is on top of the wall.

7-Tweak setting until everything is satisfactory

That, i believe is how x-men did it.

Of course, if you don't have the budget to dig a hall in the wall, you could:

1 - Shoot a footage of a wall you want your actor to pass through

2 - Green screen your actor. Remember to light your actor in such a way that's similar to the footage of the wall.

3 - Color correct the actor so the color matches your wall footage, set the proportion right. Remember, as your actor come through the wall, he will get bigger too, so you may need to keyframe the size of your actor

Proceed with step 4-7 of the previous method.

As you can probably guess, the first method will give you a much more realistic finished product, as your actor is actually walking through the wall, in the environment. It would also help with other actors in the environment to interact with this x-men/ghost. But it's budget consuming.

While the second method will take a bit more AE-ing. but can still look great if done properly.
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