Visual Language of Film

Those were all great, but the Braveheart scene was the most powerful for me. There is definitely a lot to study in those breakdowns. I might have to go back and watch the movies again and single step through those scenes with this information in mind.

Excellent stuff.

Not directly, no... it touched down about a mile north of me, took out a few homes and such. Worst we got here was hail -- golf ball sized. The estimates I've heard thus far are about 2.5mil of damage to my townhome development. That's what insurance is for though. ;)
The Raiders analysis was interesting. I think if your background is theater, you would have shot this scene totally differently. I'd like to see an analysis of Ed Burns' Brothers McMullen. I think the diff between Spielberg and Burns is like the diff between cinema and theater, respectively. Has anyone felt that way before?