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I voted for the Chevy "Meteor" spot, mainly because of the use of the Danny Elfman theme. I couldn't watch the Tabascco spot or the trailer for the short film.

Nice work on all of them though.

Good ear

Wow, nice job of spotting the music! Thanks for checking out the site.

The Tabasco spot as well as the preview of the short appear to be working on my end, so you might try them again.

Thanks either way though for the feedback.

The four I was able to view were all very good - better than most of what's on the TV nowadays; but I wasn't able to view the Tabasco commercial, either...I have QT 6, so I don't know why they wouldn't come through if they seem to be working on your end...

I'm glad you enjoyed them. I'm perplexed by the tabasco spot problem. I'll have to try it from some other client computers and see what happens.

All the movies were compressed with the same codec and settings, so...perplexing. :?

Thanks, again!
I figured it out

OK, I apologize. There was a problem on my end with the Tabasco spot. I've fixed everything up and it should be working now. :)

Unbelivable job.
I see that your an effect guru and i like that!
Can i get your card for future projects that require FX?
question for you evan

Do you always work with the same DP or you always alternate?? And also, who DP your short, it looks very good. I love the lightning.