archived-videos [video] Insomnia

It's pretty good, I hope the finished product is longer than a minute. The visuals are nice and the shot of the boy standing in front of the monitors is awesome. Where'd you do it, at a BestBuy or something?

Let us know when it is finished. The quote in the beginning tells everything, but you need to add some more shots to convey that quote visually. Some more familiar faces would help, preferably politicians in debate or something like that.

But all in all, what you have is excellent.

btw, what music did you use?
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thank you

I appreciate your detailed review. I will definetly take what you said into consideration. The TV's werent real, I made them in photoshop. As far as the music, a very good composer friend of mine does all of my music and he is amazing. I've been trying to spread the word about him lately as he is looking for work in the indie film industry. You can get more info about him at Thanks again


loyfilms said:
It's pretty good, I hope the finished product is longer than a minute. The visuals are nice and the shot of the boy standing in front of the monitors is awesome. Where'd you do it, at a BestBuy or something?

Let us know when it is finished. The quote in the beginning tells everything, but you need to add some more shots to convey that quote visually. Some more familiar faces would help, preferably politicians in debate or something like that.

But all in all, what you have is excellent.

btw, what music did you use?
Nice work. It's amazing that you did that shot in Photoshop. I was wondering if you maybe worked at an electronics retail store and were able to set up the TVs like that one night after the store closed. Good effect.

I agree that more talking heads should be shown, but not just politicians. I would love to see some know-it-all TV Anchors and political celebrities such as Limbaugh and Moore.

yea, but Michael Moore really does know it all, so its okay : ) thanks for the feedback

Poke said:
Nice work. It's amazing that you did that shot in Photoshop. I was wondering if you maybe worked at an electronics retail store and were able to set up the TVs like that one night after the store closed. Good effect.

I agree that more talking heads should be shown, but not just politicians. I would love to see some know-it-all TV Anchors and political celebrities such as Limbaugh and Moore.

I am refraining from Political comments about Mr. Moore so that the board can be a nice, happy, shining place full of flowers and kite strings.

Tom--I liked this. The beginning quote doesn't need explanation, I think you make the point nicely with the video. Loy seems to think it needs to be longer--I disagree. It is a simple statement...and you made it, effectively. Any longer and you would just belabor the point. You run the risk of becoming that which you satirize. I also think your choice of clips is good as well. There were recommendations for more familiar faces, but I like the anonymity of your choices. It reinforces the banality of the medium. Again...good work.
Hi, Tom. I thought this was fantastic. My personal opinion would be: "Do not change a thing with respect to the content." (But what do I know?) I would enjoy watching a cleaner version someday. Take care.