archived-videos Video blog assignment

This is a video blog I had to write and shoot for my media course at college, it's my second production since i've been at college. It's a brief lesson on smoking, and why I think people shouldn't start. To get a distinction I need to get feedback, so please comment! Tell me what you like, don't like, what could be better about it. Criticism is welcome but try not be be too harsh because the video is hosted on my college's dailymotion account!

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I watched it. A couple of things: I didn't really like the interview with your head in the middle of the shot...I'd go for a closer shot with the top of your head at the top of the shot, and your chest at the bottom of the shot.

You could have been a little more animated. You sounded (and showed that you were at a few points) like you were reading from a script.

The audio was spotty at times.

But it was well written and you did a good job :)

I agree with Chris, you should have pushed in tighter so your head filled more of the frame.

The audio is a bit choppy, due to the way it's been cut... You have a number of cut-away shots to you outside smoking, or photos, etc.. You could have edited it so that the audio overlapped the cut aways and pictures, and use those cut aways to hide some of the numerous jump cuts you have...

My only other criticism is the links that appear on screen. Many of them are very small (and impossible to read) and it seemed like they all disappeared fairly quick. That's another instance where you could cut away to a different screen that has the link clearly visible and perhaps additional info on what that is a link for -- or even a screen shot of the website.

Overall, having just gotten started though, it looks pretty good.. and it was well written & informative which ultimately is the most important thing for something like this. ;)

Oh... and :welcome:
Thanks guys! I'm glad you thought it was informative as that was the main feedback i wanted! Next time I will plan my shots a bit more carefully and maybe spend more time editing as well.