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Vegas Pro Rendering

Okay, massive n00b alert here. When shooting in 4:3 on my JVC GR-DVL1020A, DV is as always 720X576, and when you play footage on Windows Media Player or VLC Player, enlarged, the black bars are on the side. When shooting in 16:9 though, enlarged its perfect. The bars are on the bottom, and everything is big enough. Question is, when importing/capturing DV footage from Vegas Pro, how can I import footage like that, and render as well? Because normally on Vegas Pro, the widescreen footage will be shrunk so that bars are on the sides, as well as the tops and bottom.

I hope that made sense.
Each clip in the timeline has an icon on it that when you hover your mouse over will say "Pan/Crop". Click on the icon and it brings up the pan/crop window. Use the dropdown menu at the top and select 1.85:1 This should crop the top and bottom off your 4:3 image and fill the screen. You can also move the selected area around, allowing you to choose where you want the crop to be.
I've just tried that, but still didn't work. On the normal 4:3 footage, it just cut off footage from the top and bottom, leaving the footage surrounded by a black rectangle. In the widescreen footage (On the camera its called Cinema), it does the same thing. Are there any project settings I need to change, or render settings?

On VideoStudio, I can import the clip, do the editing, and when rendering the file they have an option called Same As First Clip, so when its rendered it comes out like the first clip. Vegas doesn't have something like that?