Using a Smartphone as a monitor?


Is it possible to use a smartphone as a monitor for a camera like the Canon XL2? I know it is possible to connect to connect smartphones to DSLRs with video capabilities.

The smartphone that I am using has an OTG connection.

Thank you.
Is it possible to use a smartphone as a monitor for a camera like the Canon XL2? I know it is possible to connect to connect smartphones to DSLRs with video capabilities.

The smartphone that I am using has an OTG connection.
I don't believe so. No smartphone I've found has any kind of video input, although a couple have hdmi out.

The OTG connection is for cameras that are controllable over USB such as canon's DSLRs. I don't see any kind of usb port that can control the XL2. If you can you run it from a laptop over USB, then it might be possible.
The only way I know of to make this possible is to use something like Teradeck's 'Cube'. This will stream to your iPad. I'm not sure if an iPhone app has been released for it.