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Useful stuff

Guess this is as good a place as any..

Here's some helpful, and interesting links I've run across recently:

Free Screenwriting course from AFI:

Video Podcast, run by videographer Israel Hyman. Izzy Video is a podcast that, as of this writing, provides almost 50 different video-based lessons on a number of technological subjects, including; Shutter Speed, Camera Angles, Dolly Shots, Color Correction, Slow Motion, Sound, etc..http://www.izzyvideo.com/ (direct subscribe link: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=79503361)

Free online College Filmmaking Courses (via OpenCourseWare)

Something new on the education landscape is something called OpenCourseWare. The concept behind OpenCourseWare is for education institutions around the world to publish course materials from a variety of courses that they offer as part of their normal curriculum. The courses offer no credit or guidance by a counselor. You are simply given the inormation to take the class on your own. It's learning for learining's sake.

The school providing the biggest commitment to OpenCourseWare thus far is Massachusets Institute of Technology (MIT). MIT also is currenly providing the only courses in filmmaking. Their currently offered courses include:
  • MAS.878 / MAS.478 Special Topics in Multimedia Production: Experiences in Interactive Art
  • MAS.845 Special Topics in Cinematic Storytelling
  • 21L.706 Studies in Film
  • 21L.435 / CMS.840 Shakespeare, Film and Media
  • 24.213 Philosophy of Film
  • 24.209 Philosophy In Film and Other Media
  • 21W.730-1 Expository Writing: Exploring Social and Ethical Issues through Film and Print
  • 21F.056 Visual Histories: German Cinema 1945 to Present
  • 21F.031J / 4.608J Topics in the Avant-Garde in Literature and Cinema

Classes are being added to OpenCourseWare every day. The best way to track these courses are via the OpenCourseWare Finder. It's a search engine designed to locate available OpenCourseWare subjects.

Finally, if you haven't seen it, I recommend checking out Digital Juice TV.. made by the folks over at Digital Juice (the makers of Jump Backs, the Juicer SoundFX thing, etc...) There's some juicy (pardon the pun) stuff here: