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Us Sinners

I'm excited, Us Sinners is now available for saving in Netflix's cue.

I hear that they don't order copies till they have a certain amount requested in cues. I think it's 60 or 100 because that's the minimum they purchase.

If you have an account, and you like indie horror movies (I'm guessing you do if you're at this site), could you please add it to your cue. If you don't have an account but know folks that do, if you could pass this info on.

Hopefully you'll watch the entire movie, the lead actors are exceptional. But, if you only choose to see a scene or two, watch the climax. I PROMISE (maybe even guarantee) that the ending with shock you. Them's big words, but it's a damn good ending.

Let's make them get Us Sinners in stock and into the hands of indie horror fans.

Here's the link http://www.netflix.com/Movie/Us_Sinners/70123955?lnkctr=srchrd-sr&strkid=54264636_0_0&strackid=1e1dbc34a0fe4efb_0_srl

THANKS in advance.