archived-videos Unruley knights trailer

so its a....modern version of Macbeth? Do you know how rights and whatnot work on something like Shakespear?

Looks good nonetheless.
Brilliant. I've got to show those to my last-year English teacher... we studied Macbeth and part of our project was a short film based on the play.

I've only watched number one, and it was genius, so I thouhgt I'd stick a word in before going on to see the second one.

Great adaption, from the looks of it though.
We had a private screening last night here at the theater. We still have more stuff to add and change but it's almost finished most of it is just graphics (titles and credits). I'll forward everyone’s comments to the directors. I told them about this website so they should be joining on soon.

Hey Christopher,
The trailer definitely looks cool. It brings Guy Richie to mind, wether intentional on your part or not.

What special effects did you do, the digital stuff like the trailer transitions, color, etc, or the blood and gore, etc?

The only thing that I don't think quite lives up to the rest (that's cause I'm picky, and don't hate me for this) is the sound. Did you guys use in-camera mikes or a boom? Other than that's I'd watch the film, which I can't say about too many things I see these days. Good job!
(DirectorX) Yeah I agree the guy richie thing is defnitly go on in the editing.

I did all sorts of effects, gunsots, lightning, atmosphere,and even some soundscapes creation. Theres wasn't much blood/gore in this one just a few bloody lips, I would of liked more just because I like the violence but it didn't really need it. My best effect would probly be when I had to cut someones ear off, not for this movie but another one I worked on.

The sound was done with onboard mic.( bad I know) but the director was rushed for time. To my surprise It didn't sound bad once it got it into the theater sound system. Also alot of ADR work on the lines that had too much atmoshere noise.

Nice work Christopher. What editing software did you use? Premier, FCP or Vegas or?

I really love the rapid focus and speed advancement shots.

Throw us a bone!
Every thing looked great. Just looked. Every time someone spoke I cringed. How could they let someting that looks like so much work went into it go with out an exteranal mic? You could put ttogether a crappy boom kit for around $300-$400 (hell, maybe less). Oh welll, good luck with everything.
PunkPortrais said:
Every thing looked great. Just looked. Every time someone spoke I cringed. How could they let someting that looks like so much work went into it go with out an exteranal mic? You could put ttogether a crappy boom kit for around $300-$400 (hell, maybe less). Oh welll, good luck with everything.

I had nothing to do with the talking audio. I agree sound is very important. I'm not sure why he chose to use onboard.
I have to say that this looks good. Let me know when it's released, I'd like to get a copy. The trailer was awesome. Good work.

You used Vegas... Anything else? Combustion? or another?
CootDog said:
You used Vegas... Anything else? Combustion? or another?

Thanks, I use vegas, and Adobe after effects, I just started working with digital fusion , its nice got good features, seems like they alll do the same thing just different ways. Do you have a post with some of your work?

I actually just posted, just because you requested it. I don't think it's great or anything but look for Lightning as a new thread in this forum