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UFO film from 1998 over ONEIDA LAKE, basis for upcoming movie

Video link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DJsQsjU1kac - actual UFO

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfDsPIaCYJs&feature=youtu.be - Fox 68 News Cast

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTvDDJuSWNM&feature=youtu.be - Expert Analysis

This video was shot in may of 1998 a few months after the Phoenix lights were witnessed, this video takes place over Oneida Lake NY and was seen by 100's of people there are some news clips also loaded up on you tube and I will be uploading an expert round table discussion on the video later tonight. Military explanation for the event did not co inside with the video and witness times and as a result the investigator was asked to leave the military base and was told it was flares. The lights were so bright that 3 hours north of my location on Oneida Lake a lady in Massena NY witnessed the event!! Please take a minute and check this out and let me know what you think.....For years i have been looking for an answer, FOX news entered this into FOX's greatest UFO's ever captured also and to this day there is no explanation for what happened.

The movie and information about it can be found at :www.happyvalleyincident.com and on facebook searching Happy Valley Incident.

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