Tyring to find a particular movie

Nearly ten years ago, or more, I remember watching a movie on Independent Film Channel (IFC). It was a very strange movie. Took place in Nazi Germany. Follows a little person (dwarf) as the main character. I remember him staying with a young girl and her father, but I believe the father and her have a incest relationship. The 'little person' (trying to be politically correct) somehow becomes a Nazi, I just remember him in the uniform. Besides that, I don't really remember much about it. I don't know if it's a Nazi sexploitation movie, but it was definately on IFC. I seem to think that the girl in the film may of been under 18 and that's why it 'disapperared'? I don't know, I've tried different Google searches over the years with no luck. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
It's very possible, although not certain, that you saw "The Tin Drum."


The girl's character was supposedly 16 years old, but the actress who played her , Katharina Thalbach, was 24 years old at the time. Nevertheless, the movie suffered from accusations of "child pornography."

The movie won an Academy Award for Best Foreign Film in 1979.
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Thanks, Dready.

I should make the point, however, that the movie is NOT a nazi-sexploitation film. Quite the contrary. It's a great movie.

It's based on the novel (by the same name) by Günter Grass, one of the most celebrated post-war novels to come out of Germany, a real literary gem. The movie, in my opinion, and having read the book, doesn't fulfill the promise of the novel, but does a workmanlike job at trying. The novel is massive, satirical, brilliant and darkly hilarious. It's also likely unfilmable as a whole.

