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'Tuesday Morning in September' a two hour account 9/11, is now released

'Tuesday Morning in September' is a two hour account of 9/11. The account begins off as an innocent day at breakfast, but leads to the filming of an account of 9/11 that can be heralded as the most inclusive.

The account is shot from one vantage point and is in chronological order of events. The experience allows viewers to feel what the day was. There are many aspects involved in the account. People will get different things from the account.

More information about 'Tuesday Morning in September' is available on DVD at www.TuesdayMorninginSeptember.com
This is an interview with Keith Hansen on his show 'Think or Be Eaten':


The interview is about an hour and half long. There are four people in the interview. The first person would be Keith Hansen. Then there's James Kosior and An Pham. James Kosior is the videographer of 'Tuesday Morning in September.' And An Pham (that would be me, who's typing this), who is working on this project with James Kosior. Also, Danny Cannon is an outsider to the project. Danny is giving his testimony to what 'Tuesday Morning in September' is.

Here's an outline of what the interview is:

Introduction of 'Tuesday Morning in September' with Keith Hansen: 0:00 - 10:45

Introduces An Pham (the individual working on the project)
-How James Kosior and An Pham met?
-Being 13 years old during September 11th, 2001.
-Keith Hansen being 13 years old during JFK's assassination.
-why was 'Tuesday Morning in September' released on the ninth anniversary of 9/11?

Introduces Jim Kosior (videographer of 'Tuesday Morning in September'): 10:45 - 13:10
-How did you tell An about 'Tuesday Morning in September'?

Keith Hansen interviewing An Pham: 13:10 - 18:43
-What was the experience from the first viewing of 'Tuesday Morning in September'?
-The reference point: Going to the top of one of the WTC Towers in 2000.

Keith Hansen's experience with the WTC Towers: 18:43 - 19:59
-Keith talks about this experience with the WTC Towers.
-Standing at the ground level, experiencing vertigo.

Keith Hansen interviewing James Kosior: 19:59 - 24:05
-Were you there while An viewed the account for the first time?
-Did An help in solidifying your decision to release the account?
-We were in prayer about releasing 'Tuesday Morning in September'

Website and blog information: 24:05 - 25:33

Keith Hansen interviewing James Kosior: 25:33 - 31:42
-How does 'Tuesday Morning in September' start off? (Breakfast scene)
-Hussein cooking breakfast in the apartment.
-Keith Hansen talking about the Jersey Turnpike and how he was on it during the '93 WTC bombing.
-September 11th, 2001 being a beautiful sunny day and how people had no idea what was going on.

Keith Hansen interviewing James Kosior: 31:42 - 33:42
-James trying to get his wife out of NYC on 9/11/01.
-Keith stating that 'Tuesday Morning in September' is easy to view.
-More or less 'Tuesday Morning in September' feels like watching 9/11 live.

Keith Hansen interviewing An Pham: 33:42 - 35:40
-Was it a replay or did it just happen? (Second tower being struck)

Keith Hansen: 35:40 - 40:27
-The story about "The towers are there... and the towers are GONE!"
-Flight out of NYC on 9/14/01.
-The importance of your own account of 9/11.

Keith Hansen interviewing Danny Cannon (Someone outside of the project that viewed 'Tuesday

Morning in September'): 40:35 - 47:45
-Where were you on 9/11/01? When did you find out?
-"...9/11 through the eyes of an American."
-Panning down to the graveyard.
-'Tuesday Morning in September' is not a production.
-Spell bound experience.

Keith Hansen: 47:45 - 50:45
-Knowing the "lay of the land" in NYC.
-Danny Cannon - "Jim was talking from his heart. You can feel what he was going to say."
Keith Hansen: 50:45 - 52:30
-The sound of fighter jets.
-Found out about the WTC attack at 2:30 PM

Danny Cannon: 52:30 - 54:25
-The account is "1000x's" more powerful than the news footage.

Keith Hansen interviewing James Kosior: 54:25 - 1:00:05
-what is going to happen next?
-James talking about other people in the account.
-James acting career and ability to express his feelings.
-The Empire State Building, the next target?

Keith Hansen interviewing An Pham: 1:00:05 - 1:03:15
-What was it that made you want to work on this project?
-The students at Georgia State University.
-My account of 9/11.

An Pham's experience with a psychologist from Homeland Security: 1:03:15 - 1:10:55
-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
-The rings of people effected from a crisis.
-9/11 effected people all over the world.

Jim Kosior: 1:10:55 - 1:14:22
-Explaining the importance of viewing the account in its entirety.
-Addressing the comments made in the account.

Keith Hansen interviewing Danny Cannon: 1:14:22 - 1:19:15
-How the account touches your heart.
-"If you are an American, you're going to feel this footage."
-The human touch.

An Pham: 1:19:15 - End
-Email address: TuesdayMorninginSeptember@gmail.com
-The importance of viewing the account with others.