archived-videos Trailer for "Business of Death" shot in Chicago

There's some really cool shots in this trailer. I especially like the one where the two guys are walking into the room in profile -- very cool shot. The wide shot of the men walking in the field is cool too, very surreal. The only thing I can criticize is that as a trailer, it doesn't tell me a lot about what the film is about and seems to go on for too long (I'm assuming this is just a rough edit, though, since there's a lot of "screening only" notes, etc on some of the shots). Otherwise, it looks very very good and the music fits nicely to set a dark mood. I just wish I knew more about the story.
Cool trailer, I kind of agree with the first reply though it's a little hard to tell what is going on ,but it looks good.
But it did establish all of the talent that is involved and people who know movies will definately recoginize these actors.
One question did you guys shoot on film or DV?
Again, it caught my eye and it has some good camera work in it.
Good luck can't wait to see it.
Also you contact me on my personal e-mail last week sorry I didn't get back to you I've been in Europe filming.
Drop me another e-mail.

Richard A.Hopkins
Phillywood Entertainment
I really liked it as well. Just alittle more story to be given. I got from the trailer that it was a mob movie.(?) I really like some of the angles and shots. Girls lips with smoke coming out, nice. :)

Also is this film shot in widescreen or flat? I saw that you mixed both and didn't know which was the final version. Keep us updated on this.
I am actually not a filmmaker. I am more or less a manager and and a networker. I do have a small role in this film as well as a couple others. I do not sell myself as an actor really, but never turn down a part. I try to help out as much as possible in anyway I can, in regard to indy film. I do not know the technical aspect of film, so I am sorry about not being able to answer some of the questions above. Sorry. I am able to help out with casting, location and such.
This movie is being taken to Cannes next week. I think they already have a buyer in Asia. There are actually a few more scenes to wrap in June to make the movie complete.
Agreed, but not fully

You don't really need more story in this trailer. From it we know that, it deals with tough guys and the business of death. It just needs to be much, much shorter. I take it this is a trailer designed to show possible financiers. I would suggest cutting it immediately after the titles end.

Oh and to whom it may concern: congrats on getting a distributor.

It is good, However....

I liked many of the shots in the 'trailer' but i think people get too carried away. The shot when the two guys walk in in profile, yeah it's a good shot but jesus it's not amazing or groundbreaking like a few people seem to think. I noticed a familiar face in there, the guy with the huge jaw! Like a few others mentioned, it really needs to be cut down. I think a few shots are in there 2 or 3 times and when you keep bringing up the credits all over it's a bit mental. I hope it does well when it's shown at Cannes and that it brings you much more success. Well done and good luck!
I like the trailer. Definitely some interesting visuals, but I think the music seems a bit detached from the images. Is this a feature?
