Time Waster

Here's a fun site where you've got silhouetted objects from classic movies and you have to guess what it's from. It's also got a hang-man-ish format so even if you don't know right off the bat, you can usually figure it out.

Definitely wasted few hours on here recently. My high score is 40-9. Give it a try, see if you can do better :D

Great time kill.

I gave up at 42-9. I just wanted to beat you ;)

They seem to get harder but like any game of hangman, guesswork is well rewarded...
Was doing well till hit the 4-5 letter foreign films all in a row(5 of them). I ended at 27-10. I did get one that was the same back to back (it was a US movie) and I got on that gave me the answer but I still had to fill it out. Nice time waster.
I just had a really, really, really difficult one.

It was bike with a basket on the front....

Two letters....

Couldn't for the life of me get it!

Good game, I know what i'm doing at work tomorrow! :)