Time for a change?

I am a first year pre-med student and i'm doing well so far. However, over the years, my passion for making film has accumulated and now it's too much not to do anything about. I really want to start studying film and getting all the technical things down. I was wondering if there was anything i could do to get a good start in the world of film while still keeping my pre-med major.
I would tell the same to anyone - read books, visit websites, join local filmmaking clubs and organizations, network and make connections, study films, go to film festivals and watch and study the films, talk with the filmmakers, ask them questions about their movies, participate in filmmaking competitions, make little films to learn about the process. If you want to become a professional in the industry, as a filmmaker or anything else, sooner or later that has to become your devotion, not your hobby.

But try to make a film and see if its for you. Its a lot of hard work to make a good film, some people dont like how much work it is, but seeing as how you're in pre-med you might be up to the task.
most important in that process ( it's all important ), is to shoot films...make films that suck...lots of them, learn what doesn't work, learn what does work. You won't know what questions to ask until you run into problems on set.
thanks. I've been trying to do everything you've suggested. Are there any websites or books that you read that you found to be exceptionally helpful? I agree about film being more than a hobby, i'm sure it's my love, everything about it is enchanting.
"Directing: shot by shot" by steven katz is the one "must have" text for directors/camera folks. There's tons of others, but this is very complete as a technical where do I put the camera type of book...there's a sequel "Cinematic Motion".

The dummies and for idiots books are quite good...I personally hate the name as they are very negative and not supportive.

"Sound Design" by David Sonnenschein is a good book on ... um... sound...design. "Audio/Vision" by Chion is more about the psychological effects of sound design.

This board has a wealth of info...there's tons of stuff elsewhere on the net if you don't find it here...Google is your friend. You can also ask here and get those questions answered as they come up. We have a wonderfully ranged gamut of talent here, from individual with camcorder, to industry pros, so you'll always get a good sampling of approaches to solving problems.

I like to o to physics sites for colleges and rummage through their info they have online about light and sound to get a deeper understanding of what I'm doing ... since it's all about waves, it makes sense to understand them well.
Perhaps consider becoming an art / theater / film major while you are pre med. You actually stand a better chance of admission to medical school with such a major compared to any other major. Pre med is actually not a major in college, it is a set of courses you need to take as part of your college career; you can major in math, art, history, phy ed, really anything. As an art or film major you might have more fun during pre med years. :yes:

I am a first year pre-med student and i'm doing well so far. However, over the years, my passion for making film has accumulated and now it's too much not to do anything about. I really want to start studying film and getting all the technical things down. I was wondering if there was anything i could do to get a good start in the world of film while still keeping my pre-med major.