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watch There's Something About Female Robots

I woke up this morning and watched two shorts back to back, although very different, they both had a very odd similar feature: female robots! And this is not the first time we see female robots/cyborgs, just over a month ago we featured a film with a cyborg-like wife getting a second chance in ‘Power Up‘. I found this odd and also thought these shorts are worth sharing!


Don't forget to submit your shorts to Film Shortage!
ro·bot : 1. a machine that resembles a human and does mechanical, routine tasks on command.

an·droid : an automaton in the form of a human being.

cy·borg : a person whose physiological functioning is aided by or dependent upon a mechanical or electronic device.

Two words (that date me): Hajime Sorayama
Not sure Sorayama really dates you...he's still around.

Related note: I was just discussing my teen years of reading Heavy Metal (and Fangoria) and how every once in a while I pick up an issue, for nostalgia's sake. Occasionally, but to be fair, rarely, HM has a pretty good story.

Oh, and Power Up is of course awesome!