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watch "THEN & NOW" - Trailer

Here is the trailer for a project I am a part of titled "Then & Now". I hope you enjoy it and feel free to drop by our Facebook page and let us know what you think!


THEN & NOW - Trailer

THEN & NOW opens in the 1960s when Kenneth Kurtmann's journalism career has taken off thanks to the success of his alternative profession as vigilante hero, the Black Cowl. His fame is short lived, however, when a motorcycle accident ends both of his careers. Without the Black Cowl, the public loses interest in Kenneth's stories.

The bulk of the film occurs thirty years later in the 1990s, when Kenneth has given up on himself and has become a recluse. However, an unexpected intruder interrupts his self-imposed isolation. A young boy who has lost something important asks Kenneth to perform a simple task: find the Black Cowl and enlist his help.