archived-videos the tall man of ghost woods horror trailer

This is a good effort.
Here are some suggestions if you want:
-Maybe it would be better if you made the titles more consistent. Just one typeface, one color, & just one style of how they appear, instead of so many changes.
-I realize you may be limited by your editing program, but the 1st title's typeface & the bubbles, I'm not sure they convey the horror you want.
-:36 "Watches... The Tall Man" I'm not sure what you mean.
-At :50 it's hard to read.
I hope this can be of some use for your next one.
thanks buscando i was trying to do a soft of "point of view" type hence a few changes and like a tv trailer more sort of thing it was mainly for fun but im trying to play around with making cinematics for my exploring videos at the moment