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the subject was iMacs....

Hey guys!

I've been editing on my Mac G4 laptop since 2005. I tricked it out when I got it because all the computers were turning over to Intel etc., but I couldn't affort the top of the line computer. But I did go in knowing that the last installment of The Godfather had been edited on 4 G4's so I was pretty confident in its capabilities. Plus, I researched it to know what it should have been able to do.

This computer has done well for me. It has complained and been tempermental, but usually I got out of it what I wanted. But I've been having issues editing HD footage. (I use FCP so I know its not the system.) More and more footage is HD. I would like to be able to edit it without my computer doing strange things.

I now am in a position to purchase a desktop iMac. Best Buy has an iMac for $1200. In the ad, it says:
Display: 21.5; 4GB Memory; 500GB Hard Drive; Mac OSX v10.6; Snow Leopard; Intel Core; i3 Processor...I don't really know what the Intel core or i3 Processor means. Wireless networking wireless keyboard and mouse.

Now, I have until next Saturday--the last day for the sale, to decide if I want this computer.

So, ladies and gentlement of IndieTalk. What do I do?

1. What should I be sure the computer has before I walk out of the door

2. What goodies should I consider, even if they are not necessary

3. Should the computer have dual processors....or something like that? Wasn't that what everyone was trying to get? Or was it dual hard drives :huh: I don't remember.

4. Should I get this computer?

I am not trying to necessarily trying to keep up with the technology because I know you can't really do that....unless something is about to come out really soon, like with my G4. The new computers were in the stores literally ONE MONTH after I got it, but I knew I couldn't afford those.

But I have a tax return that I have let sit since May because I've been trying to wait for just the right computer. All I'll need is about $250 to get this computer-that's including taxes. I also intend to contact the Apple store and see if I can get a better deal, but I want to ask you all first because they will want to add all kinds of crap that maybe I don't need or want.

Help guys! I could use all the advice I can get!. I even have an editors workshop to go to on Monday and Tuesday and will be talking to them as well.

Tell me what I should do....

-- spinner :cool:
I will try and answer as much of this as I can…

1. It should have everything you need to get going, including a keyboard and mouse. Check your version of Final Cut Studio is new enough to run on the Intel machines.

2. More RAM… though probably not from Apple, as they charge quite a premium. It's very easy to install more sticks yourself - Crucial.com have a great tool to tell you what your machine takes, and they're usually fairly competitively priced (and, just as importantly, sell good quality memory).

3. An i3 processor is a dual core one - it is possible to upgrade to a quad core processor, but you'd have to jump up a model and then pay another £160 on top of that for it. Possibly worth it, probably not - RAM would likely be a better investment. I take it you up to speed with using a separate hard drive as a scratch disk? If not, you'll probably want two external hard drives - one to keep your video files on, and another as a backup of them (the second one is less important if you only shot on tape).

4. YES :D The iMacs were updated only a few months ago, so right now is a good time to buy in that sense, and it'll be a massive improvement on any G4 machine. Any investment that makes editing a more efficient process is a sensible one.

Finally, don't expect any kind of special deals/price-lowering from them… it's just not the Apple way of doing things I'm afraid.
I agree with chillpie's assessment, you should also check into the upgrade price for your Final Cut Studio as the new computer will take advantage of the under the hood improvements they did between your version of Studio (2) and the current (3)... as FCS2 was the last to support the PPC platform (G4s and G5s).

All of that legacy hardware support being removed allowed them to focus on the intel performance improvements much more heavily. and the upgrade prices are pretty affordable.
I wish I could upgrade the FCP Suite, but considering I am stretched thin just getting the iMac. But I have FCP 6 and Motion 3. I can live with that. Maybe when there is a FCP 8 and a Motion 5 I'll upgrade :blush:

I am, however, considering maxing out the RAM from 4GB to 8GB and that is going to kill me as well. I am already a couple of hundred short for the iMac in the first place. But to get the iMac will allow me to edit HD footage easier than I am now. My poor little G4. The last project I worked on wouldn't let me drag and drop to the timeline unless I rendered the clip. :huh: Can you believe that! And believe me, that wasn't the only strange thing it had been doing.

-- spinner :cool:
If you can manage to get the 27" iMac, it has a Mini DisplayPort input which means if you get a Mac Pro later, you won't have to buy another monitor since you can plug it directly into the iMac.

Also, belkin makes an HDMI->MiniDisplayPort adapter that can be used w/ blu-ray, game consoles, etc...

More money!!! (runs away!) :seeya: Nope, 21" is as high a I can go

Bummer. My decision to splurge on the 27" model (was saving for a Mac Pro but my old G4 died unexpectedly and I needed a fast replacement computer) wound up saving me money when I finally got my Mac Pro and also realized I no longer need to buy a separate monitor, nor a TV to watch blu-ray (since I can use a blu-ray player via the belkin converter), but then again, I'm a single overpaid software developer with zero responsibilities and no car. Plus, I can now use it as a separate render node for Compressor and Lightwave.

Sometimes it's good to be a loser dork. :)
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When I get the new computer, I still intend to use the G4 so I hope it doesn't die. I'll probably remove a program or two and just clean out the hard drive. I hope to use it for my writing. I keep threatening to do a screenplay or two so I'll probably dump a couple of my effects programs and replace them with Final Draft or Celtx or something.

-- spinner :cool:
I keep threatening to do a screenplay or two so I'll probably dump a couple of my effects programs and replace them with Final Draft or Celtx or something.

I was amazed at how much a screenplay program helped my movie-writing. When you can just focus on typing out your story instead of constantly having to format things... it's very freeing. I never made any real progress on a screenplay until I got Final Draft. Good tools are important. :)